Thursday, October 28, 2010

Managing Online Identity

This is something I am thinking a lot about lately. Here's why; as an undergrad, I was a columnist for our newspaper. I wrote about some pretty racy subjects, but it was an opportunity for me to hone my writing skills in an editorial format, which is admittedly different from the traditional essay, which, at the time was my primary comfort zone. So I write articles. For two years. And now they are all over the Internet. ALL over the Internet. Is it good writing? I think so, at least the majority of them (and no one can control a rabid editor, either). But, these are not articles that, moving forward I want to be a part of my job search, you know? I don't want a prospective employer to google me and find out a wrote an article on bad kissers and dating disasters. How would that look in an interview, "So, tell me Leah, I've read your resume and it looks you plan to write about sex for our campus paper?" (YUUUUUUUUUUCK!)

Thus, I have been trying (unsuccessfully) to get my name changed to its original pseudonym on the articles. It makes you think doesn't it? Or, it might have given me more pause as an undergraduate...

It is a shame too, because I have a great Linked in Profile (100-some-odd connections!), a PG13 Facebook page, I even have a Google Profile and Twitter. To no avail. Because when I Google my name...all I see are these ^%$*& articles!

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